Help Us Share Good News
Political division is a daily headline. There’s another campaign worth reporting on: a campaign for kindness, even when we disagree. We need your help to share the news of this nationwide, inclusive, customizable campaign that is being launched in communities across the country.
Do Unto Others is launched by Resurrection, a United Methodist Church in the Kansas City area. As part of a long-term vision to bridge the kindness and justice gap in our country, Resurrection launched its first bi-annual kindness campaign, Love Your Neighbor, in 2020, followed by the BE Campaign in 2022.
Print & Broadcast Press Kit
The following materials are ready for media professionals to use in print, broadcast, radio or online reporting. For more information or to schedule an interview, podcast appearance, or more, please fill out the media inquiry form below to connect with us directly.
Media Inquiries
Please fill out the form below or email Cathy Bien at