Kickstart Your Kindness Campaign
We’ve created many resources to help you launch a campaign for kindness in your own community. In the sections below, you’ll find a variety of downloadable content, including ready-to-use social media content, videos, print material designs and more. You’re welcome to add your logo to any materials or use as provided. While this is a nationwide movement to take a stand for kindness, each community is able to customize and use what resources are most helpful for them.
The Kindness Campaign content and resources are copyrighted by Resurrection, a United Methodist Church. Individuals and churches are granted permission to download and reproduce them, following the brand style guide, for personal, non-commercial purposes only. For any other use, please request permission by contacting

Brand Style Guide
Downloading this file will give you the entire brand style guide. This is useful for people who need access to all of the branding materials, with usage rules, design direction, fonts, colors, and more. This is primarily used by designers or marketing teams, and may not be necessary for people who prefer ready-made materials.
"A Minute of Kindness" Videos
Resurrection Senior Pastor Adam Hamilton recorded 10 video sharing the message of “Do Unto Others.” Topics of these spots are: Kindness, Relationships, Liberal or Conservations, Listening with Humility, Cultivating Kindness, What would Jesus Say?, Talking Politics, Fear, Hope for the Future, and With Malice Toward None and Charity for All. C
Social Media Content
Here you’ll find a 12-week suggested social media content calendar PDF, along with 9 graphics and 3 campaign videos. Also included are shareable graphics anyone can use to spread the message on their personal channels. Clicking on the images below will either start a download of ready-to-use files, open the content calendar PDF or link to a collection of three videos that can be downloaded by clicking Download below each video.
Digital Promotion
Print Material Design Files
This section contains design files to create your own yard signs, posters, stickers, mugs or tote bags with your preferred print vendor or DIY. Click any thumbnail to download. Additionally, some items will be available to purchase in the online shop starting in June.
For Resurrection congregants, yard signs will be distributed at our locations in August. For other partners, click here to place a custom yard sign order with your logo through our preferred vendor.
T-Shirt Design Files
This section contains design files to create your own t-shirt orders with your preferred print vendor. Please refer to the style guide for brand colors. Clicking on an image will download the design file.
You can also order t-shirts from our partner vendor, GOEX. Check out this video to learn more about this fair-trade apparel company and their impactful business model that creates jobs and supports families in the U.S. and Haiti. You can order individual t-shirts with the Resurrection logo on the back here.
GOEX can also fulfill custom group orders (24-shirt minimum) with your organization’s logo on the back. Scroll to the bottom of the GOEX order page for the custom group order form link.
Sermon Resources
Adult Study Guides
Download three different adult study guides, including a four-week option for small groups and two five-week daily study and devotion guides to accompany the sermons above.
Printable Handouts and Tools
Student Ministry
Download resources for use in your student ministry or youth group, including the TrndSttr curriculum and graphics and Do Unto Other curriculum outline.
Children’s Ministry
This downloadable curriculum was written by the Resurrection Kids Ministry team for a Vacation Bible Camp entitled “The Jesus Tour: Do Unto Others.” The curriculum is designed to help teach children and their families the Golden Rule, and it can be adapted for use in any Kids Ministry setting (i.e. Sunday School, midweek programs, small groups, or event nights). Included are specific age and grade level resources that correlate with the daily video lessons and Bible stories of our four-day VBC program.